Business and finance

Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business Studies Wordsearch Pack
Over 30 wordsearches based on the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) specification.
The wordsearches are organised according the the specification headings.

OCR GCSE Business Studies (2009 0n) Keywords
Set of keywords for the OCR 2009 on specification, divided up into 14 sections for revision.

Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business Studies (1BSO) Key Term List
A comprehensive list of key terms, arranged according to the specification.
There are 23 pages of terms all specifically researched for the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business Studies (1BSO) course.

Classification of industries
Starter activity(ies) on the topic of industrial classification.
Can be used in Business or Geography.

Types of Market Research Activity
Short activity that focuses on context of where to use different types of market research.
Students are asked to consider the cost, accuracy, time, validity, and response.
This is in word format so that you can adjust the response boxes to suit your needs.

Unemployment - Starter Activities
Two A4 starter sheets to stimulate discussion on
Who is unemployed?
Types of unemployment.

What's the Question? - Break Even
An A4 sheet where the pupils are given the answers, but they have to work out the question.
Useful plenary or starter activity.

OCR GCSE Business Revision Booklet
An booklet to use either in class or for students to take home and work through during Easter.
The booklet has been designed with simple short activities encourage students to read through their notes / textbooks. There is emphasis on making revision smarter and on the key terms.
Smart revision in this context is encouraging students to focus on learning a small number of key factors that they will remember easily rather then remembering a long list that they will struggle to recall.
If you do not wish to use the whole booklet then there are key term tests and word search activities that can be used independently.
The booklet is designed to work alongside the student’s own notes and / or textbook not to replace them. A teacher copy is provided with the key term definitions and some of the the questions completed.
Finally is contents the specification that students can use as a reminder of the topics they need to revise to prepare for the exam.
Please feel free to add your own graphics to the booklet if you feel these might help your students.